General FAQ – Foundation Vents – Garage Vents

General FAQ

Can EZRvents Be Painted?

Yes, all of our EZRvents can be painted with newer paints that have been formulated for plastics (Polypropylene). EZRvent frames can also be painted with a good quality house paint if properly prepared.

We have tested and found best results with Krylon Fusion, Rust-Oleum Specialty Paint For Plastic, or Valspar Plastic and using a 1st coat of Fusion Primer for plastic, Rust-Oleum Specialty Plastic Primer, or Valspar Primer for Plastic. Many of our installers do this with great long lasting results.

We also have also have good results painting EZRvents with good quality exterior house paint if properly prepared with Flame Treatment or other prep as outlined in our Polypropylene Frame Painting Instructions. Then Followed with 2 coats of Valspar "Primer for Plastic",  Krylon Fusion Primer, or Rust-Oleum Specialty Plastic Primer. Both the Preparation and Primer for Plastic step is important for proper adhesion.

We should emphasize that it is Equally and most important Prior to priming, is to clean and prepare your vents for painting by Flame Treating and wiping with alcohol; -or - lightly sanding the surfaces with sand paper and wiping with alcohol. Surface tension and residual mold release may otherwise affect your results even if the paint manufacturer does not specify this.

For detailed painting instructions, See: How to Paint Polypropylene Frames

Another option is to have us custom color match your vents. See:

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What type of Plastic are EZRvent Frames?

EZRvent Frame UV / Sun Protection & Life?

Our FV100 is made of a durable UV protected Polypropylene plastic and heavy gauge 1/8" mesh metal screen that will last for years. Our Polypropylene Frame Material is similar to what is used in Auto Body Bumpers, with glass fibers for added structure. We also use the maximum UV protection available in our formulation. The Auto industries use this type of material in painted and unpainted applications.

We have done extensive accelerated life testing in salt spray and UV environments and used competitor products as a baseline. In all cases, our EZRvent lasted 4 times longer than the Big Box products for salt spray. For UV Testing, with a 10 year simulated direct exposure aging, we did not see a degradation of our material properties other than the surface oxidation (becoming dry looking, slightly yellowing and slightly exposing the Glass fibers). Competitor vents made of other plastic materials did not retain strength and greatly yellowed to a light brown or lost 80% of color.

Our real life testing in a Sothern California coastal location in fog belt and salt spray zone has been ongoing and is in its 7th year now. All EZRvent Heavy Models in testing have not started to rust and the frames have remained the original slightly flexible state. Our light Economy mesh (discontinued) has just started to show a tinge of rust. Competitor and big box products are all showing signs of rusting. For added life on the plastic frame, one can paint the frames to avoid plastic oxidation. When painting, you should expect typical paint life and would require re-painting as you would your house.

What kind of screws come with EZRvent?

Recommended screw replacements:

EZRvent FV100 vents are provided with (2) 2.5" exterior PrimeGuard plus polymer coated wood (deck) screws with Phillips/ Pozi head. These work well for most applications screwing into 2x4 or 2x6 studs or joists behind the old frame and stucco/siding. Some Pro installers swap out the screws with lower profile heads and SS on high-end installations . For Copper and SS vents, we recommend using #10 x 2-1/2 in. Stainless Steel Star Drive Flat-Head Wood Deck Screws. But those require specialty drivers. For concrete & masonry installation, we recommend swapping out the screws to Masonry type screws See the installation instructions for more information.

Do I Need Stainless Steel Vents?

The Stainless Steel mesh option is always a good idea for great-looking, upgraded, stronger, long-lasting vents.

Our Stainless Steel mesh option is our strongest vent and is a Custom Home Pro Grade Product. See the Comparison Chart for more details.

Our Galvanized mesh is an economical choice that is still stronger than big box vents. If you live on or near the coast or in general, the 316 SS option should last for years over the Galvanized mesh based on our salt pray accelerated life testing. However, if you are in the coastal salt spray zone and looking for a maintenance free vent, we would recommend the Copper Mesh option.

SS Vents are currently available through Select EZRvent Dealers, EZRvent Order Direct web site page, EZRvent Amazon, and or special order through any local EZRvent Dealer order desk.

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Will Stainless Steel Rust?

Stainless Steel can rust depending on grade and if surface contamination from tooling is left on the surface. Iron rich soil or other dust can also contaminate the surface and give a rusting appearance and or seed rusting.

Our EZRvent 316 Marine Grade Stainless Steel is highly resistant to rusting due to its grade and our processing. All of our 316 Marine Grade Stainless Steel is passivated / chemical etched using "green friendly" but strong citric based acids to remove surface free iron and contamination from the screen forming and cutting operation tooling. This makes for a highly rust resistant product.

If a shiny rust free appearance is desired, periodic maintenance may be required depending on your location/environment. We recommend fast and easy CitriSurf Stainless Steel cleaners to return your Stainless Steel vents back to a like new condition.

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Do I Need Copper Vents?

Copper Mesh is Best Option for Coastal Installations.

If you live on or near the coast, this is the best solution in the salt spray or mist zone for great looking maintenance free and long lasting vents.  Our Copper mesh option is also a Custom Home Pro Grade Product for those with copper flashing, copper rain gutters, and other copper accents. See the Comparison Chart for more details. Otherwise, in further inland areas out of the salt spray and fog belt, the heavy galvanized mesh screen should last for years. Our Copper is unfinished and will develop a nice patina. This is the best solution for Coastal installations. Copper Vents are currently only available through a few Select EZRvent Dealers, our EZRvent Order Direct web site page, EZRvent Amazon and or special order through any local EZRvent Dealer order desk.

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Pro Tips:

To Caulk or not to Caulk?

Less is more . . . EZRvent frames have been designed to not trap water and allow for water to pass and weep out.  In most cases, not applying caulking is better to allow water to drain freely. 

In high rain areas and some building codes, a single bead of caulk at the top edge of the vent is required. *Note: However, improper application of caulking or over caulking can actually lead to more harm than good. It is important to not trap water if caulking your vents. *Do not apply a Caulk bead along the bottom edge of FV100 vents to allow for proper drainage. 

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Pipes or Wires through Vents ?

How to install EZRvent foundation and garage vents into obstructed vent openings: Vent obstructions can be: Cable or Phone Wires; Framing Blocks; or Plumbing Pipes.  See section in the Installation Guide

Pro Tip: Black-out Paint Jam Sill:

On high-end jobs, after removing old vent and vent screen, Black-out Paint the jam sill and framing studs in vent opening with black spray paint. This really makes backgrounds disappear and the finished job look great!

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Critter & Pest Control Exclusion FAQ

Why Install EZRvents For Pest Control Exclusion?

Installing EZRvents is an easy way to replace and upgrade rusted out foundation vents, garage vents, and attic eave vents that are in need of replacement for active or preventative pest exclusion with the added benefit of adding an upgraded finished look to your job.

Installing EZRvents is a significant net savings cost advantage per job even when compared to installing bare mesh.

For this reason, we recommend installers charge per job and not per hour rates.

Many Pest Control Contractors are finding our Replacement Vent Products an easy way to add another revenue stream to their business. Pest Control Installers are making $200-$300+ for an hour or two easy installation time on typical homes. Simply keep an eye out for rusted out or damaged vents while on your normal rounds.

Typical complete EZRvent retrofit installation takes a little over one minute per vent with no stucco or siding work required.

As seen in our video ( ) installation is quick and easy; requiring low effort, standard tools, and low skilled labor to produce a high value finished solution.

Contact us to become a qualified Dealer / Installer or contact your local Univar Pest Control Supply Distributer to start excluding Rats, Mice, Bees, Snakes, Birds, Bats, and other Critters from your clients homes today.

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Are EZRvent FV100 vents strong enough to block out Raccoons, Skunks, and Opossum?

Yes, our EZRvent FV100 vents are strong with a continuous heat stake around the perimeter of the vent vs just being spot welded. Our Heavy Stainless option is the strongest option.  However, if your raccoons, skunks or opossums are trapped in or young were trapped inside; there will not be much that they will not rip trough; even solid plywood.

How to get rid of raccoons, skunks, opossums or other critters from under your house? 

If you have raccoons, skunks, opossums or other critters under your house, you will need to make sure that they have moved on before sealing up all your vents completely. You will also need to retrain them that your house is not a great place to call home within their territory. Until you are able to change this behavior, they will tear through any vent on the market including solid plywood to get back into what they have set-up to be the best house in the neighborhood. You will also need to keep in mind that raccoons, skunks, and opossums are nocturnal and if you seal up your vents during the day, you could be trapping them in. They will also tear through just about anything to get out if trapped in or back in if their young remain inside. Also, if they have young that are too young to move, it will be even more difficult to encourage them to relocate until they are old enough to be moved.

So how do you change their learned behavior and get them to move on and call home someplace else? 

The Humane Society is a good source of information for how to encourage raccoons, skunks, opossums and other critters to relocate and discourage them from wanting to return in the future. The Humane Society discourages the use of traps for catch & release after relocating. This places the critters into unfamiliar territory and separates the family unit, both being detrimental to their survival.

Humane alternatives are to simply make the area an undesirable location for the raccoons, skunks, or opossums to not want to live there and want to move out. They will also remember that your location was a bad hotel and be less likely to want to return.

EZRvent Installers and DIY customers have reported having good luck by simply lighting up the spaces with bright work lights. If that is not effective, following the methods prescribed by the Humane Society usually does the trick: “If you can’t wait for the animals to leave on their own, the next best strategy is humane eviction— gently harassing the animals so they’ll move to an alternative location. Wild animals have a sophisticated knowledge of their home ranges—the area in which they spend almost their entire life.” “Litters can, and will, be moved if disturbed” to a more hospitable location. “Try using a combination of unpleasant smells and sounds. The size of the denning space and the amount of ventilation will largely influence if such repellents will work. We recommend using rags soaked in a strong smelling substance such as cider vinegar (but not ammonia!), lights, and a blaring radio during nighttime hours to convert an attractive space (quiet, dark, and protected) into one that is inhospitable. “ Note that the critters night time is our daytime. They head out to forage at night and return to den around 3-4 am well before dawn. So you will want your deterrents in place as they are starting to come in, then maybe change their minds.  For escalated gentle harassment, we have also had positive reports from a customer using strobe lights and other party disco lights including a disco ball in the crawl space.  

If the animals are not causing damage or harm, you can be assured that once the young are big enough to be out and about, the birth den will have served its purpose. The denning and nesting season is short. Be tolerant and wait a few weeks until the family has vacated the premises and you’ll prevent orphaning of the young altogether. Then, you can make repairs to prevent animals from moving in again.

If the critters are doing active damage, more aggressive methods that include pepper sprays such as Critter Ridder and or other repellants could be also used.

Before completely sealing up their access points you will want to make sure they have moved on. Otherwise, they will tear through just about anything to get back their young and or out if trapped in. Most sources recommend temporarily closing up openings by stuffing the openings that they were using with newspaper. This will tell you is they are still using that opening if the paper blockage is disturbed. Or, our preferred method is to just place or wedge your EZRvents into place temporarily with shims (without screwing them in) for the first several weeks. That way they could be pushed out if you have trapped a skunk or raccoon inside.

Links to information and tips from the Humane Society:

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Contractor FAQ:

Why Painters and Window Installers are Installing EZRvents?

Painting and Home Improvement Contractors are finding Replacement Vent Products are an easy way to add another revenue stream to their business. Installing EZRvents is an easy way to replace and upgrade rusted out foundation vents, garage vents, and attic eave vents that are in need of replacement on older homes or to add a finished look to your job on newer homes as an upgrade. EZRvents also perfectly complement vinyl windows and doors. Installing EZRvents is a significant net savings cost advantage per job even when compared to installing bare mesh. For this reason, we recommend installers charge per job and not per hour rates. Typical complete EZRvent retrofit installation takes a little over one minute with no stucco or siding work required. As seen in our video ( ) installation is quick and easy; requiring low effort, standard tools, and low skilled labor to produce a high value finished solution.

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More FAQ:

Do EZRvent Block out Rain or Have Louvers?

At this time, we do not have a louvered vent product.

The FV100 is a louver free design to provide the maximum airflow for the size of the opening, be easy to install, provide good pest/ critter execution, and meet most building codes.

In most use cases, Sub Floor Foundation and Garage vents are protected by overhanging roof eaves and do not have louvers to provide the most amount of airflow possible. Also, in these use cases, minor water ingress would minimal and not cause damage on a garage floor or where there is no floor. (Most louvered vents have a significant reduction in NFV airflow if adequately calculated). In most cases, rain and water ingress is minimal and dry-out is fast enough to not cause a problem. The FV100 has been designed to provide maximum air flow and not trap water via capillary action or other means.

For use cases that face prevailing winds, we are working on a louver accessory design that will have minimal impact on airflow and can be added to our FV100 or FV816 (larger size in design) vents without impacting the ease of installation too much. However, there will be a point in wind strength that these louvers will not keep at bay wind-driven rains. Anticipated availability for the 8x16 size and louver accessories is mid to late ’25. 

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Do EZRvent Close?  or Have Covers for Winter?

EZRvent vents do not close or have covers for winter. EZRvent vents were designed for good looks, ease of installation, to block out all the critters, and maintaining maximum airflow year-round for the non-snow/ freeze zones were shuttered or closable vents can actually do more harm than good. Even in the snow/ freezing zones, most building codes specify non-closable vents due to local conditions (i.e. potential of radon, freeze-thaw, or other conditions) where ventilation is preferred to minimizing heat loss by these means.

Most building codes require open ventilation and recommend insulating the underside of floors for energy efficiency and isolation from the coldness. Other typical options per codes is to have an air exchanged or an actively conditioned air space if closed.

FEMA codes also require open ventilation / non-closing vents that remain open 100% of the time. "Must not block or impede the automatic flow of floodwaters into and out of the enclosed area." "Manual or automatic open and close based on temperature are unacceptable unless permanently disabled in the open position."

Even though we are worlking on an Easy Vent Cover (FV100-BO-WB) product for "conditioned" crawl space encapsulation, we would not recommend vent blockers or covers for almost areas. We suggest consulting your local building codes and reading our Open vs Closed Foundation Vents FAQ.

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Open vs Closed Foundation Vents?   

Open vs Closed Garage Vents?   

Should I Open & Close vents for winter?

We know sealed vs non sealed foundation crawl spaces is a debate on the internet, but EZRvent sides and agrees with regional building codes. Blocking vents for winter or any other time of year is usually not to code. Per most codes, open ventilation is required and they recommend insulating the underside of floors for energy efficiency and isolation from the coldness. If crawl spaces are sealed, most building codes require the space to be "actively conditioned" with a minimum level of air exchanges.

Note that Garage vents should never be closed off even in the coldest locations and is against building codes even with heated garages due serious concerns of carbon monoxide emission. Without proper ventilation, toxic fumes, such as carbon monoxide, and unhealthy vapors from cars and lawn and garden chemicals can easily enter the home or effect those in the closed garage. If garage vents are closed, most building codes require the space to be "actively conditioned" with a minimum level of air exchanges. 

Blocking and closing vents can lead to moisture problems.

Blocking of vents is typically seen in the NE and Northern Mid West were you see very cold but dry winters with the moisture in the air and ground being frozen out. Even then, blocking vents can lead to moisture problems unless going to a fully vapor barrier sealed and actively conditioned crawl space. Note that is not the standard in older construction in most areas nor factored into most building codes. If sealing or encapulating a crewl space, those spaces also require active dehumidifiers, be actively conditioned and vented by air exchangers. There are also many reports surfacing of moisture barriers degrading over time and causing bigger problems when sealed crawl spaces are passively conditioned.

Even tough we developed an Easy Vent Cover (FV100-BO-WB) product for "conditioned" crawl space encapsulation, we would not recommend vent blockers for almost all areas and without conditioning the sealed space.

Typical Building codes and energy efficiency guidelines:

A good quote from City Inspector Larry Caldwell on the topic:

“People who block up their foundation vents in the winter cause a lot of dry rot and termite problems by trapping moisture under the house. Most houses nowadays have adequate foundation vents. Oregon has had a building code since 1973, and houses built before then have either been repaired or rotted into a pile of rubble.”


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Do EZRvent products meet Local State & FEMA building codes?

Yes, all of our EZRvent products have been designed to meet or exceed most state & international building codes along with FEMA requirements.

EZRvent can be used to meet FEMA Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures - Non-Engineered Openings requirements without modification. 

The only exception is Wildland-Urban Interface Code (Chapter 7A) for New construction in "Very High" wildfire interface risk zones where more expensive fire/ flame blocking vents would be required.  Note: Chapter 7A requirements are only required in "Very High" Fire Hazard Safety Zones (FHSZ) and for New construction after 2008 in those zones. High and Moderate FHSZ areas do not require Chapter 7A materials. Our Mesh materials comply with 7A, but our weather and rodent / critter resistant glass filled polypropylene frames would not stand up to a 40min flame test. But then most building materials and construction would not pass a 40min flame test.

We suggest consulting your local and regional building codes. 

Many building code regions are also now also specifying 1/8 inch mesh opening to block out Africanized bees. If that is your case, look closely at the vents you are considering. Many vents on the market today do not meet this code change or do not even block out larger critters. All EZRvent products use 1/8 inch mesh as standard. 

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How Many Foundation Vents Should My Home have?

Most building codes require 1 square foot of open ventilation area for every 150 square feet of crawl space. EZRvent FV100 Foundation Vents have ~29 inches of net free ventilation area per vent (dependent on mesh type). Therefore, you should install approximately one EZRvent for every 30 square feet of crawl space. Note that levered vents drastically reduce the amount of open free ventilation area and increases the number of vents that would be required to maintain adequate ventilation.

Whenever possible, vents should be placed on all sides of Home Foundations. This provides steady cross flow ventilation for any air flow direction.

For crawl spaces with plastic or other moisture barrier sheet installed, on 80-90% of the ground, most ventilation requirements changes to 1 square foot of ventilation for every 500 square feet of crawl space with a minimum of 4 vents installed to provide cross ventilation. For crawl spaces with barrier laid down, at least one vent for every 123 square feet of crawl space should be installed. Note that some moisture barrier sheets will age and degrade or get damaged from workmen access and should be inspected. If not properly installed or maintained, moisture barriers can trap moisture and or let moisture pass through leading to problems.

EZRvent FV100 open ventilation area:

Vent Model

Net Free Ventilation (NFV)


35.5 sq in    (* Discontinued - Thinner Economy mesh no longer meets code in many areas)


31.6 sq in


28.8 sq in


28.8 sq in


35.0 sq in     (**1/4" mesh no longer meets code in many areas)

Custom Sizes and Custom Size Orders

Our FV100 vents can actually be modified to fit down to a 4.5" x 12.8" rough opening, or other combinations of .25" reductions per side from 5 x 14 ( i.e. 5" x 13", 4.5" x 13", 4.5" x 14" or . . .) by trimming some spacing shims that are on the back side. This is an easy modification to do with a Multi Tool, Dremel Tool, or Router.

See Installation Instructions for specifics on size modification. 

FV100 Vent Rough Opening Fit Sizes (Standard):

FV100 Vent Rough Opening Fit Sizes - Reduced ( w/ trim tab modification):

You could make the modifications yourself, or we charge $4 per vent to custom re-size the vents. If you would be making the modifications your self, you can order your vents via our normal web ordering process or through your local retailer.

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To have EZRvent custom modify your vents to fit a 5” x 13” x or 4.5” x 13” opening, use the above link to order your standard product and use the below button to add the custom sizing surcharge to each vent in your order. You will add the quantity to be modified in the cart.

FV100 Custom Size Modification:
Actual size of opening:

Custom Order items may not be returned or exchanged.

Dealer Inquiries

If you are interested in becoming an EZRvent Dealer or Installer, Please call us at 760.908.2369 or send an email to [email protected]